bewuste groei in mens en organisatie

Career Counseling

TOP Coaching is a short program which focuses on finding the right next step in your career. It provides an answer to questions like “which step gives me the most satisfaction and will lead me to my desired career goals. 

  • 3 sessions over a period of approximately one month
  • We work with exercises, creative visualizations and competency tests
  • For professionals, high potentials and managers who want to prepare themselves for their next step
  • For those who want to find their new path through reorganization and organizational change

Intensive Career Counseling gives you the opportunity to discover your life purpose and design a career path that you are deeply passionate about.

  • For people who feel they are stuck in their work and want to find out a new, inspiring career path
  • For those who want to follow their bliss and life vision
  • When people are returning to work after a prolonged sickness

In about 8 sessions over a 4 – 6 month period you will design an action plan for your career, including desired goals, aspirations and future positions. Practical exercises will be combined with intuitive techniques and nature walking to allow yourself the time and space to hear your inner voice, which is connected to your own deep inner wisdom and can offer the answers to your questions.