bewuste groei in mens en organisatie


Coaching focuses on the development of personal leadership and effectiveness and can be designed to work on specific skills and competencies. For instance when professionals are promoted, or managers want to boost one of their leadership skills. When people are functioning well but would like to better use the talents and potential they have to achieve better results. Sometimes a small change in attitude or behavior makes a big difference in joy and success. Quite often though coaching focuses more on long term development. Counseling can be in place when personal issues or some other difficulties prevent clients temporarily form functioning at their best.

In that sense, coaching is an empowering, future directed process that facilitates: 

  • Greater personal awareness  
  • Step-by-step action  
  • A change in those beliefs and attitudes that are holding you back  
  • Growth in impact, self-confidence and inner strength 


  • Talented employees who feel they can create more effectiveness, impact and joy in their work.          
  • Managers who want to improve their leadership and personal impact          
  • Women in senior professional and leadership roles          
  • High potentials promoted to a leadership role

Coaching usually means 7 sessions, after an intake in which we define development needs and goals for the coaching. Coaching sessions can be scheduled face to face, or with a mixture of e-mail and telephone coaching as well.

“Coaching with Marjorie will make a difference. Her coaching significantly contributes to personal development and can be highly recommended”. F.F Associate Clinical Research Director, Astellas Pharma